The Adventures of Amber, Peter, and a sailboat named Isara

Update 10-17-2022 – We just got married! And we finally went sailing again after getting married! First time since the journey down from Oregon! Also, many people who attended the wedding are asking about donating to our honeymoon. *Not* something that you need to do, but of course donations are appreciated, and will also allow us to make more videos and travel farther. More information is at the bottom of the page


Have you ever dreamed the dream?

Have you ever had wanderlust?

Have you ever dreamed of losing yourself (or finding yourself) sailing off to distant lands?

Follow us and our journey through life, sailing, and more!

We’re into: boat life, sailing, van lifing, adventuring, vlogging, business/work life, finding freedom, family, and more!

We’re starting in: San Francisco Bay, California coast, Oregon coast, Socal, Catalina Islands, Bodega Bay, Tomales Bay, etc.


Isara is a 40 foot sailboat. It was in good condition when I bought it, but I’m currently rehabbing it to do extensive cruising. Currently working on doing more videos about the refit, voyage down from Oregon, and some fun (and scary) trips that we’ve done, and are doing!

Amber’s van…does it have a name? Ask her! (My truck’s name is “Carry”) 🙂

Peter is a business owner/sailor/musician and overall eclectic person

Amber is a midwife and business owner and a lover of the outdoors


We don’t expect contributions but if you’d like to donate to our honeymoon, You can:

-email us for a mailing address

-paypal: (QR Code Below)

-venmo: @sailingisara (QR code below)

Lastly, we would be remiss without a bitcoin address too right? 🙂